Herb Grinder RT-08 Replacement Blade
This is a replacement blade for Herb Grinder RT-08. This blade is suitable for grinding small amount material into 150 to 200 mesh. Used in small scale production of grinding any dry herbs, crystals, stone, and tablets in just a few seconds. Built with stainless steel, it show great durability as well.
Made in Taiwan
분쇄기 RT-08 교체용 칼날
분쇄기 RT-08 전용 교체 칼날입니다. 스텐레스로 제작되어 위생적이고 내구성이 좋은 본 제품은 오랜 사용 후 무뎌진 칼날 교체용 파트입니다.
Made in Taiwan