JIN YOUNG GAM Pressed Moxa Cones
Jin Young Gam Pressed Moxa Cones are made with unique moxa fiber which went through ripening process for at least 3 years to ensure best quality. While most of preformed moxa use water or other adhesive materials, Jin Young Gam Pressed Moxa Cones are put into mould frame, pressed, and treated with high heat to keep its shape intact and protect the beneficial ingredients.
Size: 0.87″ x 0.67″
56 moxa/box
NOTE: Direct moxibustion, indirect moxibustion, and/or warm needle moxibustion should always be administered under the direction or supervision of a qualified practitioner. Do not leave patients unattended during any moxa use. When using needle moxa, a protective shield, (i.e. aluminum foil), must be placed under and around the needle to protect the skin from loose or ash.
진영감 왕쑥봉
진영감 왕쑥봉은 약쑥을 분해하여 정제한 후 3년 이상 숙성하여 쑥 고유의 섬유 성분만으로 제조한 우수한 쑥봉입니다. 기존 쑥제품은 수분이나 기타 접착체를 사용하여 모양을 잡으나 진영감 왕쑥봉은 쑥 섬유질 그대로 틀에 넣어 압축하고 고열 처리로 코팅하는 최신 공법을 사용하는 순수한 100% 쑥제품입니다.
사이즈: 0.87″ x 0.67″